Data Protection: Sending Encrypted Email


Office 365's Office Message Encryption (OME) provides you the ability to customize the level of protection for any specific email you choose to encrypt. You can choose to just encrypt the email, which ensures it is received by your intended recipient exclusively or to limit their ability to forward the email to others. For messages that require the greatest amount of security, you can choose to allow the email to only be viewed by or forwarded to other Villanova Connect users, or even limit the Villanova recipient to view the email and be unable to copy, print, forward or otherwise interact with the message. These different options will be described in some detail later on.

How to Encrypt in Outlook

  1. Begin composing a new email in the Outlook application.
  2. Select the "options" tab in the ribbon and click on "Encrypt"
    Outlook Web App (OWA)

    Outlook Desktop

  3. Choose the type of encryption you want to configure for the email
    Outlook Web App (OWA)

    Outlook Desktop
    • Encrypt
      • If you choose “Encrypt,” the contents of the message will be encrypted. At a very basic level, you can imagine this as your message being converted into a secret code, with only authorized users (your intended message recipient) having the key to decrypt that encoded text back into your original message.
      • When you choose “Encrypt,” once the recipient gets the message they are free to do what they want with it. They can copy text from the message, print it, save it to their computer, reply to it or forward it to other users. Encryption adds a layer of security that ensures your intended recipient is the only one who can receive your message – but it does not control what they can do with it once they have.
    • Do Not Forward
      • This option encrypts the message as described above, but also prevents the user from copying, printing or forwarding the message contents.

Further Reading

Encrypt email messages


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Article ID: 141234
Mon 8/15/22 3:23 PM
Thu 5/23/24 4:00 PM