1. Open a new internet browser window and log into your MyMediasite account:
2. Using the search bar in the top right-hand corner of the MyMediasite window, type the title of the Shared Folder or Channel you would like to favorite and click the magnifying glass icon to begin your search (see image below).
NOTE: MyMediasite uses exact keyword search, so confirm that you are searching for the correct Shared Folder or Channel title or you will not see any search results. For example, Villanova curricular courses recorded through the Classroom Lecture Capture (CLC) program use the following naming convention:
SUBJ Course Number–Section Number (
see image below).
3. By default, your search results will return all of the content you have access to on MyMediasite that matches the keyword you typed into the search field – Shared Folders will be denoted by red tags and Channels will be denoted by blue tags. If you need to filter through multiple results, use the dropdown menu (see image below) to isolate search results by either Shared Folder or Channel only.
4. Next, click on the star outline to the right of the Shared Folder or Channel you would like to favorite – it will turn gold, indicating that the Shared Folder or Channel has been added to your “Favorites” (see image below).
5. Favorite Shared Folders and Channels will appear on your MyMediasite homepage within the left-hand navigation bar (see image below). You can remove a favorite by hovering your cursor over the Shared Folder or Channel name in the list of favorites, then single-clicking on the “X” to confirm removal.