Mediasite: Uploading a video recording and posting it to a Blackboard discussion board


How to upload a video recording to Mediasite and post it to a Blackboard discussion board.


NOTE: Before starting this process please ensure your device has either a wired-in internet connection, or a strong wi-fi connection, to ensure an optimal upload experience. Additionally, we recommend that you use Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla as your internet browser during this process.

Uploading a video recording to your Villanova MyMediasite account and posting it to a Blackboard discussion board is a simple three part process. Use the links below to jump to a specific part of the process:

  1. Uploading your video recording to MyMediasite
  2. Changing your video recording from "Private" to "Viewable"
  3. Posting your video recording link to a Blackboard Discussion Board

Step 1 of 3: Uploading your video recording to MyMediasite

1. Open a new internet browser window and navigate to Villanova's MyMediasite portal:

2. Login through Villanova's single sign-on using your UserID and current password.

3. Select "Add Presentation" from the left-hand navigation bar.

4. You will be redirected to the Add Presentation page. From here, select "Choose File" from the list of choices provided (see image below).

5. You will be prompted to select the video file that you want to upload from your device. You can only upload one video file at a time. Please review the bulleted scenarios below to ensure you are following the correct upload instructions for your specific use-case:

  • Uploading a recording from an iOS/Apple mobile device: After selecting "Choose File", you will be prompted to select an existing video file saved to your mobile device in "Photo Library" or "Library" (varies by device)
  • Uploading a recording from an Android mobile device: After selecting "Choose File", you will be prompted to select an existing video file saved to your mobile device in "Gallery" or "Videos" (varies by device)
  • Uploading a locally saved Zoom recording from an iOS/Apple device: After selecting "Choose File", you will be prompted to select an existing video file saved to your Windows device under /Users/[Username]/Documents/Zoom
  • Uploading a locally saved Zoom recording from a Windows device: After selecting "Choose File", you will be prompted to select an existing video file saved to your Windows device under C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\Zoom
  • Uploading a Zoom recording saved to the Cloud: First, download your cloud recording from to a local device. Next, move through Steps 4 & 5 depending on the type of device you are using.
Note for locally saved Zoom recordings: Zoom recordings often generate multiple discrete files when they save to your local computer. When uploading a Zoom recording to MyMediasite, be sure you are selecting the .MP4 file with "video" in its file name - this file will contain both the recorded video and audio feeds. For more Zoom assistance, please visit Zoom Video Conferencing.

6. After you select the video file you want to upload, the New Presentation Details pop-up window will appear (see image below). Enter a title for your presentation and (if applicable) its description. This information can be updated at any time. Do not change the destination field from “My Drafts.” When you’re finished, single-click the blue Create Presentation button.

7. Your video will begin uploading to the Mediasite server for further processing (see image below). Do not close this page while the upload is still in progress or you will abort the upload.

8. After the upload completes, your video will begin processing on the Mediasite server. You may need to refresh the browser window to refresh the status information for your presentation. Note: larger or longer videos will require some time to process before they are ready for review.

9. After the upload is complete, your video will be set to private.  No one else will be able to view your presentation unless you change the permissions setting. For assistance changing your presentation's permissions setting, please see Changing your video recording from "Private" to "Viewable" below.



Step 2 of 3: Changing your video recording from "Private" to "Viewable"

If you already have your presentation open in your MyMediasite account, please skip to Step 4 below.

1. Open a new internet browser window and navigate to Villanova's MyMediasite portal:

2. Login through Villanova's single sign-on using your UserID and current password.

3. From your list of available presentations, select the one you would like to unlock by single-clicking on its title.

4. Locate the Who Can View? slider within the right hand navigation bar (see image below).

5. Click and press the slider with your mouse cursor to "My Organization". Your presentation will now be visible to any authenticated Villanova user who has been provided with the link.


Step 3 of 3: Posting your video recording link to a Blackboard Discussion Board

If you already have your presentation open in your MyMediasite account, please skip to Step 4 below.

1. Open a new internet browser window and navigate to Villanova's MyMediasite portal:

2. Login through Villanova's single sign-on using your UserID and current password.

3. From your list of available presentations, select the one you would like to unlock by single-clicking on its title.

4. Next, click on the Share Presentation button within the right hand navigation bar (see image below).

5. After the Share Presentation pop-up window appears, copy the full “Quick Link” provided at the top.

6. Open your Blackboard course page, navigate to your discussion board, and select Create Thread.

7. Enter a title for your post in the Subject field.

8. Paste the "Quick Link" you copied in Step 5 into the body of your discussion board post. Next, using your mouse cursor, select the entire "Quick Link", then click on the Link icon in the toolbar (see image below).

7. After you click on the Link icon, the Insert/edit link pop-up window will appear. Select "New Window" from the Open link in...  dropdown menu at the bottom of the popup window. When you’re finished, single-click the blue Save button (see image below).




Article ID: 149927
Fri 3/1/24 3:09 PM
Tue 5/28/24 2:02 PM