Blackboard Base Navigation: "Courses" Page


In Blackboard Base Navigation, you will find all of your courses on the "Courses" page.

There are also new ways to search and organize your courses.
To learn more, visit the links below:

Where do I find the courses I am currently teaching/enrolled in?
Where do I find courses that I taught in previous semesters? (Faculty Only)
How do I search my list of courses?
How can I hide the courses on my list? (Faculty Only)
How can I "Favorite" the courses on my list?
What does "Private" mean?
What does "Start Now" mean? (Faculty Only)
Add picture to your course card (Faculty Only)

Where do I find the courses I am currently teaching/enrolled in?

  • Click "Courses" on the left-side navigation menu.  All courses that you are currently teaching/enrolled in will be listed on that page - labeled "Current Courses".

  • (Note for Faculty/Students in fully online programs: Future courses will appear via the "Upcoming Courses" link until the specific date the Blackboard course becomes available to students).

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Where do I find courses that I taught in previous semesters? (Faculty Only)

  • Click "Courses" on the left-side navigation menu.  Courses that you taught in previous semesters will be listed on that page - labeled "Current Courses".

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How do I search my list of courses?

  • Use the search function to find courses on the current page.
  • You can also use the "Filter" menu to modify the view of which courses appear on the page.

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How can I hide the courses in my list? (Faculty Only)

  • Click the "Ellipsis" button for your course, select "Hide Course". 

  • To show a hidden course, click on the Filter menu and select "Hidden from me".  Then, click the "Ellipsis" button for your course, select "Show Course". 

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How can I "favorite" courses in my list (pin them to top)?

  • Click on the "Star" button for your course.  This will pin the course to the top of the list.  You can click the "Star" button again to remove a course from your favorites.

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What does "Private" mean?

  • This means the course is not available to students.  Faculty can still access the course.
  • Students: While you will see courses from previous semesters listed on your "Courses" page, if you see "Private" below the course name, you will not be able to open the course.

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What does "Start now" mean? (Faculty Only)

  • You can disregard this message.  This does not mean you are opening the course to students. 

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Add picture to your Course Card (Faculty Only)

  • In grid view, you can customize the image on your course cards.
    Click on the "Grid" icon, click on the "Ellipsis" button on the course card, and then click on "Edit course image".  Follow the instructions on the screen to add a picture.  

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Article ID: 150201
Fri 3/22/24 11:28 PM
Mon 2/24/25 3:15 PM

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