Mediasite: Move a presentation to a Shared folder or Channel



This article provides instructions for moving a Mediasite presentation to a shared folder or channel.


  1. Open a new internet browser window and log into your MyMediasite account:
  2. From your list of available presentations, select the one you would like to move by clicking on its title.
  3. Next, click on Move To within the right-hand navigation bar.

  1. After the Move Presentation pop-up window appears, select either "Place this Presentation in a Shared folder" or "Place this Presentation in a Channel":

  • Place this Presentation in your Drafts folder: Your content always starts out saved here. Only select this option to move the presentation back to your "Drafts" folder to keep it private and/or continue making edits.
  • Place this Presentation in a Shared folder: Select this option to move the presentation to a shared folder (eg. a course recordings folder, etc.).
  • Place this Presentation in a Channel: Select this option to move the presentation to a channel. A channel is a single landing page containing the full library of video content for a course or program. Channels are the most efficient way to provide your viewers with video content; viewers can access all video content via one link that doesn't change.
  1. Click on the magnifying glass. In the field provided, enter the title of the Shared folder or Channel to which you would like to move your presentation and click the "Search" button.

NOTE: If your search does not return any results, either 1.) you do not have access to move content into the Shared folder or channel you selected or 2.) you have entered the title of the Shared folder or Channel incorrectly. Either request access from the owner of the Shared folder or Channel, or double-check the title of the Shared folder or Channel.
  1. Click on the title of the Shared folder or Channel to select it, then click the Move Presentation button. Your content will move immediately, but the link will remain unchanged.



Article ID: 152835
Thu 9/5/24 2:19 PM
Fri 2/21/25 9:27 AM