Blackboard: Create a Grade Column


How to add a column to the grade center



This article provides instructions on how to manually insert a column into the Grade Center. 


Blackboard automatically creates a Grade Column for items that you mark as gradable or that is graded automatically (test, assignment, discussion, etc.). However, there may be times that you wish to record data on student performance that was not graded automatically. In these cases you can create a Grade Column and then enter the information manually. 

  1. Navigate to Blackboard and log in with single sign-on using your User ID and current password.
  2. In the left-hand navigation bar in the Course Management's control panel, click on Grade Center.
  3. Next, click on Full Grade Center.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  1. Click on Create Column in the gray navigation bar near the top of the page.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  1. Note: The fields on the Create Grade Column page that are mandatory are marked with a red asterisk. All other fields can be left as is, depending on the requirements for the column. 

Enter a Column Name of your choice in the available field. This will appear in the grade center for both you and your students. The Grade Center name is not required; if entered, that is the name that will appear in the Grade Center for all users. The Description field is optional.

  1. The selected Primary Display will display in the Grade Center for faculty and in My Grades for students. The selected Secondary Display will show alongside the Primary Display in the Grade Center only.
  2. The Category field is used to organize the grade center and can be used in calculated columns, such as the Weighted Total Column. Select a category if needed.
  3. Enter in the number of points possible for the column. It must be a numeric value, you may enter zero. You may associate a rubric with the column if desired.
  4. You may enter a due date for the column if needed.
  5. Ensure the option Include this column in Grade Center calculations is set to the default option of Yes.
  6. Select whether you would like to release the grade for this column to students. Selecting No will prevent them from seeing the score in the My Grades area.
  7. Select whether you would like to release the class mean and median to the students, in addition to their own score. 
  8. Click Submit to create the column. Your new grade column will appear as the last (right-most) column in the Full Grade Center.  



Article ID: 153562
Thu 10/24/24 2:53 PM
Thu 11/21/24 12:07 PM