MyNova: Frequently Asked Questions


What is MyNova?

MyNova is Villanova University’s web portal that provides personalized access to web services (email, Banner web, Blackboard.) You can customize MyNova by favoriting link cards so that the specific information and tools you need and want are available in your 'Favorites' section each time you log in.

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Who has access to MyNova?

Anyone can access the MyNova portal by going to and viewing the site. Only students, faculty, and staff can sign in to the portal to access links that require a secure sign in.

Prospective full-time undergraduate students have a separate portal, their Villanova University Applicant Status Pagewhere they will find all important and pertinent information regarding their undergraduate application, including the status of their application, what requirements have been submitted and/or are missing, and ultimately their admission decision.

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Can alumni/retirees/visitors access MyNova?

Alumni, retiree, and visitors can view the MyNova site and access any external links to the website, but only current students, faculty, and staff can sign in and access internal portal links.

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How do I login to MyNova?

Go to and you will see a Sign In option in the top right area of the page. Your username and password is the same as your Villanova email login/password.

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Will my browser support MyNova?

MyNova will work in any browser, but is best viewed in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. 

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Should I select the option to save my login information on my pc?

For security reasons, you should NOT opt to have MyNova save your login information. Saving login information potentially permits anyone to log on to that PC with your credentials, allowing them to assume your identity and access university services and content.

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What happens if I forget to log out? Is there a timeout?

Your MyNova session will automatically time out and disconnect after 1 hour of inactivity and you will be logged out of the system. This is to provide better security for your information.

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How do I make MyNova my browser's Home Page?

In Google Chrome

1. Open MyNova
2. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the browser
3. Scroll down to the 'On startup' section
4. Select 'Open a specific page or set of pages'
5. Click 'Add a new page'
6. Enter into the 'Site URL' box and click 'OK'.

In Mozilla Firefox

1. Open MyNova
2. Click the hamburger button in the top right corner of the browser
3. Click 'Preferences'
4. Under the 'When Firefox Starts' heading, make sure 'Show your home page' is selected
5. Under the 'Home Page' heading, type in (This will automatically save when you exit the tab).

In Safari

1. Open MyNova
2. Click Safari at the top left and select 'Preferences'
3. In the Homepage field type in (This will automatically save when you exit the window).

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Article ID: 154102
Fri 11/15/24 1:40 PM
Thu 12/19/24 2:41 PM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (1)

The MyNova portal allows users to have access to many of Villanova's applications such as email, Banner, Blackboard, Novasis, and much more without having to separately log into those applications.