Augustine's Confessions


The Confessions e-book serves as an annotated interactive sourcebook based on the Boulding translation of the 13 books of St. Augustine's Confessions. The e-book provides audio voiceover for the text, a timeline of St. Augustine's life in the context of the Roman Empire, an annotated map of his travels, and art and photos related to Augustine and his life, which allow readers to conceptualize the teachings based upon different learning modalities. The text also includes custom-written critical academic commentaries which were prepared especially for this edition. The e-book also allows annotations and highlighting, note-taking, and search capabilities for critical reading. 

The Confessions eBook project began in 2015 to provide multimodal access to the core text of the mission class for all first-year students, the Augustine & Culture Seminar Program (ACSP), offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Initially developed as a dual-platform mobile app in a joint effort of ACSP, the Augustinian Institute, the Computer Science Dept., and University Technology, today the e-book is available on a broader platform for student, alumni, and avid readers worldwide.

Download from Apple BooksPurchase on Apple Books

Coming soon on Google BooksPurchase on Google Books


Questions and Feedback

Scholarly Contributions

Please contact Paul Camacho to contribute.




Article ID: 154382
Tue 12/10/24 1:00 PM
Tue 12/10/24 1:23 PM