Yellowdig: Getting Started



Yellowdig is a social pin-board for teams that lets you quickly share items of interest, assess student participation, and drive class discussions within your private community. Integrated into Blackboard Learn, Yellowdig helps to turn your course into a social learning community.

What Is It?

Students have a familiar-looking site similar to other social networks with the ability to post and share content. Faculty are capable of setting up a point system to rate the quality of content posted which in turn can be published back to the Blackboard gradebook and used as a participation score. 

Enhancing Student Engagement with Yellowdig

Watch how faculty can utilize Yellowdig to enhance student engagement and communication their courses in the following recorded Mini-Workshops:

  • Workshop #1: Motivation (Watch)
  • Workshop #2: Course Relevance (Watch)
  • Workshop #3: Instructor Presence (Watch)
  • Workshop #4: Data to Inform (Watch)

Click here to watch 2018 panel event with Villanova faculty, University of California instructor, and Yellowdig representative.

Click here to watch 2017 panel event with Villanova faculty and Yellowdig representative.



Article ID: 154451
Fri 12/13/24 3:21 PM
Mon 12/16/24 3:28 PM

