Mediasite: Share a presentation


How to share a Mediasite presentation with other users.


Before attempting to share your Mediasite presentation, confirm that you have made the presentation visible to your intended audience by following the directions here.

1. Open a new internet browser window and navigate to Villanova's MyMediasite portal:

2. Login to your MyMediasite account via Villanova's single sign-on by entering your Villanova email and current password.

3. From your list of available presentations, select the one you would like to share by single-clicking on its title.

4. Next, click on the Share Presentation button within the right hand navigation bar.

5. After the Share Presentation pop-up window appears, copy the full “Quick Link” provided at the top. This is the direct link to your presentation that can be emailed to your audience or posted to a Blackboard course page.



Article ID: 147904
Wed 11/1/23 2:04 PM
Thu 4/25/24 12:30 PM