Mediasite: Sharing classroom lecture recordings with your students

After instructors have requested Classroom Lecture Capture (CLC) for their course, they must then choose a method of distribution for these recordings. Requesting a full semester course recording through Mediasite does not automatically provide those recordings to your students. Please review the distribution methods below to determine which is best for the needs of your students and how you'd like to use recorded content in your course.

Post a Channel link to Blackboard

A Mediasite course "Channel" is a single landing page containing the full library of lecture recordings for a specific course. Posting a link to your course channel within your Blackboard course page is the most efficient way to provide lecture recordings; students can access all of their recorded lectures in one place, and instructors are not required to manually post individual links to recordings each week. Reminder: recordings set to "Only Me" are private and will not appear on the channel. To learn more about recording permissions, read our step-by-step guide: 'Make my presentation viewable'.

You can find your Mediasite course channel link in the following places:

  • The recording confirmation email professors receive from after opting into Classroom Lecture Capture (CLC).
  • By logging into your MyMediasite account and typing your course into the search field in the top right-hand corner of the webpage. Mediasite searches require exact matches, so please use SUBJ COURSE-SECTION format when searching for your class (e.g., BIO 1234-567). If you teach multiple courses simultaneously, you may find it convenient to favorite your course channels for easy access directly from your MyMediasite homepage. To learn how to favorite channels, read our step-by-step guide: 'Favorite a shared folder or channel on MyMediasite'.

If you'd like assistance from the Learning Technologies team to post your channel link to Blackboard, please submit a request for 'Assistance with adding content to Blackboard'.


Post or email individual Mediasite recording links

In some cases, an instructor may only want to share specific recordings with the class, or only to certain students. In this case, we recommend that you copy the individual link for the specific lecture recording and either post it to Blackboard, or email it in a message to the recipient(s).

To learn more about how to share individual Mediasite links, read our step-by-step guides: 'Mediasite: Share a presentation' and 'Mediasite: Share a presentation with specific Villanova users'.

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