Brightspace: How to Submit an Assignment



The Assignments tool enables you to submit assignments in Brightspace.


  1. First, navigate to the course where you wish to submit an assignment.
  2. From the top navigation bar, click Assignments.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

On the Assignments page, there will be a list of available assignments in the course, their completion status, associated score, and evaluation status.

  1. Click on the title of the assignment you want to submit to.
  2. Your instructor may have added instructions, rubrics, or attachments to the assignment. There are several options to submit an assignment:
  • Type your submission directly in the comments field and click the blue button Submit.
  • Click the button Add a File and attach the desired file from your local computer or storage device. Enter any comments for the instructor and click the blue button Submit.
  • Click the Record Audio or Record Video button to create your content. You can also upload a file if you so choose. Enter any comments for the instructor and click the blue button Submit.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Note: Once you have successfully submitted an assignment, you cannot delete the submission. However, an instructor may allow you to resubmit. You can attempt to resubmit by following the same instructions as above or contact your instructor for more information.

Information on troubleshooting any errors with your assignment submission is available through Brightspace's support page.



Article ID: 154450
Fri 12/13/24 2:37 PM
Fri 12/13/24 3:22 PM