eduroam: How to Connect

Tags eduroam


eduroam provides free and secure wireless service for members of participating universities. For a full list of institutions, see the Where can I eduroam page.

Note: eduroam is intended for visitors and should not be used by active Villanova students, faculty, or staff as some Villanova resources are not supported by the network.


Visitors from participating eduroam institutions who have a university/institution account username and password.


  1. Select eduroam from the list of available networks and log in with your and your password. 
  2. Trust the certificate. 
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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Eduroam's wireless guest network is designed to allow active students, faculty, and staff to use their home institution's credentials to connect wirelessly and securely to the Internet while visiting other participating institutions. To access, this network, please sign in with your university email address and corresponding password.