Integrate McGraw Hill SIMnet with Blackboard

The SIMnet LTIA Instructor and Administrator launch point differs based on your LMS. Follow these instructions to find the LTIA launch point.

Note: These steps only need to be completed once to set up the connection between your LMS and your SIMnet account. Further logins from your LMS will automatically sign you into SIMnet.

Access the Integration

  1. From your Blackboard Original course, select a Content Area (usually Content Homepage) from the left navigation menu.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. From the Build Content top navigation menu, select McGraw Hill SIMnet LTIA.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Instructor & Course Pairing

Pair your LMS course with your SIMnet Instructor or Administrator account for LTIA Integrations.

Instructor, Administrator Course Pairing for LTIA

Registering for SIMnet directly from your school’s Learning Management System (LMS) is a simple, one-time process.

Note: These steps only need to be completed once to setup the connection between your LMS account and your new SIMnet account. Further logins from your LMS will go directly to SIMnet.

  1. Launch SIMnet to initiate the Instructor & Course Pairing workflow.

    Start by launching SIMnet as an instructor from your LMS. For details visit: Instructor LMS Launch Point

  2. URL Selection: Confirm your school’s SIMnet URL.

    If the URL is not automatically filled, type the name of your school or URL in the text box. Select your school from the list and click Continue to move to the next step of the pairing process.

    Note: After the first course is paired from your LMS, the SIMnet URL will automatically populate during the next course pairing.
    Select URL  (Screenshot)

  3. User Pairing: Create a new account or sign in with an existing account.
    You will be prompted to either create a new SIMnet account or sign in with an existing SIMnet account. Depending on your school's configuration, some fields may need to be input to complete the registration.

    Create Account

    To create a new SIMnet account, please review the McGraw Hill Terms ofService, Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy and Click Create Account to complete the pairing process. If you already have a SIMnet Instructor or Administrator account you would like to pair with, click the link to Sign In instead.

    Note: SIMnet will email your username and a generated password in case you need to Sign In directly to the SIMnet URL.

    Note: If SIMnet already has your email address on file at the selected SIMnet URL, you will be directed to Sign In instead of creating a new account.Note: The create new account option will create a SIMnet Full Instructor role.

    Warning: If your email address is not available for use as a SIMnet username you will be prompted to select a different username to create your new SIMnet account.
    Create Account (Screenshot)

    Sign In

    To pair with an existing Instructor or Administrator SIMnet account click Sign Into complete the pairing process. If you would like to create a new SIMnet account, click "Create a new account."
    Sign In (Screenshot)

  4. Course Pairing: Create a new or pair with existing SIMnet course.

    To pair your LMS course with an existing SIMnet course, select the Pair existing SIMnet course button. To create new SIMnet course to pair with select the Create a new SIMnet course button.
    Course Pairing  (Screenshot)

    Existing Course

    To pair with an existing SIMnet Course type to search in the courses menu. Select the desired course and click the Pair Coursebutton to complete the course pairing process.

    Note: SIMnet Administrators have the option to toggle the courses list between 'My Courses' and 'All Courses.'

    Note: SIMnet Instructors only have the ability to pair with SIMnet courses they are already assigned to teach in SIMnet.
    Pair Existing Course (Screenshot)

    New Course

    To create a new SIMnet course that matches your LMS course, edit the Course, Section titles, and Campus selection as desired and click the Create Coursebutton to complete the course pairing process.

    To pair your LMS course with an existing SIMnet course, click the click herelink instead of filling out the course details.

    Note: Select a course template to copy from to ensure a consistent course build between SIMnet sections.
    Pair with a new course (Screenshot)

  5. Course Paring Confirmation

    Congratulations, your course is now paired from your LMS to SIMnet! To continue to the Course Integration Home, click the Go to SIMnet button.
    Pairing Confirmation (Screenshot)

Course Integration Home

The Course Integration Home is a course level tool for Administrators and Instructors that includes quick links and integration tools.

Note: To access the SIMnet Course Integration Home select the Instructor LMS Launch Point in your LMS.

The SIMnet Course Integration Home provides you with Quick Links, Integration and Administrative Tools.
Quick links (Screenshot)

Course Quick Links

Integrate: Deploy SIMnet assignments to the LMS

To deploy deep assignment links from your LMS to your SIMnet course select the Integrate option. Visit the Assignment Integration help topic for more details.

Administrative Tasks

Resync Grades

The LTIA integration consists of multiple distributed systems and the Resync Grades option allows you to resync grades through the upstream systems from SIMnet.

Visit the Manual Grade Sync help topic for more details.

Reset Course Pairing

Clicking the Start Unlinking button will unlink the current SIMnet course from your LMS course. You can then resync to a different course or re-link to the same course in the future. Click Confirm to unpair your LMS course from SIMnet.

Unlink Automatic Sign-In

Once you have paired your LMS account with a SIMnet account, you will sign in to that account automatically in the future. If you would like to unpair that use account, click the Start Unlinking button in the Unlink Automatic Sign-in section and select Confirm to unlink your account.

Assignment Integration

Assignment Integration Management and Deep Links

Integrate & Deploy Assignments

Note: To access the Assignment Integration section, start with clicking the Instructor LMS Launch Point, and selecting the Integrate: Deploy SIMnet assignments to the LMS in the Instructor Integration Home.

Deploying Assignments

The first time visiting the Course Integration page, no assignments will be selected. Select the check box next to the desired assignments or groups to prepare the assignments for integration to your LMS. You can click the Class Home check box to automatically select all assignments in the course.

Click the Confirm changes button to prepare the selected assignments for syncing to your LMS. If you would not like to make changes to your course, click the Reset changes button to return your page to the state it was in at the last LMS sync.

Note: The Refresh assignment data option is useful if you've modified course assignments in another browser.
Course integration (Screenshot)

Once you have confirmed changes, you will then see a Confirmation of the changes you will be making to your LMS. On your first viewing, you will only be linking assignments that you have selected. These assignments will all appear in the To Be Linked section of the page. Click the Deploy to LMS button to deploy the assignments to your LMS.

If you would not like to deploy changes to your LMS at this point, click the <- next to the Confirmation header to return to the previous page.(Canvas screenshot shown as example. Instructions remain the same for Blackboard.)
Deploy (Screenshot)

You will then get a confirmation window describing the changes occurring and that those changes are being deployed.

Note: This window with automatically close when the assignments have been deployed to the LMS.
Deploying... (Screenshot)

After the assignment has been successfully deployed you can categorize or group the assignments with the standard LMS controls. Some Learning Management Systems may require you to publish or activate the assignment prior to making the assignment available to students or accepting grades from SIMnet.

Removing Deployed Assignments

To remove deployed assignments, visit the Course Integrate page and select or deselect assignments from your SIMnet course.

Click the Refresh Assignment Data button if you have made changes to the Edit/Assign page or the Organize page while viewing the Integrate coversheet. Those changes will be displayed below. Selecting additional assignments to integrate will cause them to be displayed in the To Be Linked section. Deselecting paired assignments will cause them to be displayed in the To Be Unlinked section. Unlinked assignments will have their grades removed from the gradebook. The Unchanged section is collapsed by default. Clicking the left arrow will expand the section and show unchanged assignments.

Warning: Removing a deployed assignment will also delete the LMS assignment and grading column.

Note: Your LMS has to have the REST integration endpoints setup for SIMnet to automatically remove LMS assignments and grades.
Removing Deployed Assignments (Screenshot)

Viewing Linked Assignments

Select the SIMnet assignment in your LMS to view and modify assignment policies of a deployed assignment.

Note: Updating the SIMnet assignment title, dates, and/or gradebook points will automatically update the LMS accordingly.
Viewing Linked Assignments (screenshot)

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