1. Open a new Internet browser window and navigate to Villanova's support portal at: https://support.villanova.edu
2. From the Mediasite section of the support portal, single-click the blue button for "Submit Request to Make Lecture Recordings Automatically Available to Students".

3. Next, enter the full name, number and section of your course(s) (i.e. BIO 1234-567). The comments field is optional.
4. Lastly, single-click the blue "Submit" button at the bottom left-hand side of the page.
NOTE: After submitting this service request all classroom recordings to date and any made in the future for course(s) you specify will become automatically viewable to your students. If you find that you need to make a recording "Private" (i.e. it's an exam day, a private conversation is captured, etc.) please follow the directions here.