Blackboard: Respondus Monitor


Respondus Monitor, which works with Respondus LockDown Browser and your Blackboard exam, uses a student’s webcam and microphone, as well as analytics to help deter cheating during non-proctored exam.  It records the student while they are taking the exam and provides the instructor access to the video recording and analytics to review. 

Getting Started

  • Respondus Monitor Explained (video)
  • Lockdown Browser & Monitor Training Session Recording (1 hour 16 minutes)
  • Learn how to use Lockdown Browser & Monitor (live webinars)
  • Enabling Respondus Monitor in Blackboard (website & video)
    • Respondus Settings are available in Blackboard, go to Course Management (on the left-navigation menu within your Bb course, Course Tools, Respondus Lockdown Browser)       
  • How do students install Respondus Lockdown Browser?
    • File is available in Blackboard.  Students should log into Blackboard, click on Institution Page tab in the upper-left hand corner, then find the Respondus Lockdown Browser Section
    • Direct students to the available instructions
  • Why a practice exam is important
    • Ensure your first exam using LockDown Browser runs smoothly! Have students take an ungraded practice quiz that requires the use of LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor, before the graded exam occurs.
    • Leave the quiz available for the duration of the course, with unlimited attempts, so students can access it again if they use a different computer.