How to view class lists with photos via Novasis (SSB9)
Faculty and/or instructor of a class
The preferred University method for faculty to view photos of students in their Class List, is to access the Class List with Photo – Faculty task card from myNOVA.
From here, faculty members will log into NOVASIS if not already logged into myNOVA. (This is Ellucian Self Service Banner 9)
Faculty will access their NOVASIS account to view a list of courses. The page defaults to view courses in all terms; select a specific term from the drop-down to reduce the results. To select a course, click on the course from the Subject Column. [Clicking on the course title will display the course details from the catalog.]
The next page displays the Class List for the selected course. Thumbnail photos should appear on the list, next to the students’ names (if photo provided, otherwise it will state Photo Not Available). Click on an individual student name to view a larger photo.
Additional Instructions pertaining to NOVASIS Class List functions can be found under Policies and Procedures from the Registrar Website.
KNOWN Issue and Workaround: Photos Do Not Appear
- If thumbnail photos do not appear next to any student on the list, have the faculty member check to see whether they have an Ad Blocker (or pop-up blocker) on the page.
- If Ad blocker is active, it will need to be turned off in their browser settings for the class list page to allow the pictures to appear.
- If the issue persists, check that they are using the latest version of the browser.
- If the issue persists, have the UIS Banner Applications group check access management and check Banproxy setting for Banner Administrative access, if applicable.
If all prior methods fail, log the browser information, and contact Enrollment Management/Registrar’s Office (registrar@villanova.edu).