VPN: Known Issues

Tags VPN

Current Issues

There are no known issues with the GlobalProtect VPN service at this time. If you are unable to connect to VPN or are encountering a problem with the VPN service, please submit a request for VPN connectivity and support through our service portal.

Monitoring Issues

GlobalProtect Host Protection Message Links Open In Internet Explorer

What the Issue Looks Like: When connected to VPN, if you click on a link in the Host Protection pop-up, the link opens in Internet Explorer 

Current Status: Information Security has reported the issue to PaloAlto.

Workaround: Presently, no work around exists for this

GlobalProtect Does Not Work on Android

What the Issue Looks Like: The GlobalProtect application on Android does not work  

Current Status: PaloAlto is aware of the issue 

Workaround: Presently, individuals who need to access campus resource can utilize Citrix Workspace on their Android devices

Resolved Issues

GlobalProtect VPN Disconnects 

What the Issue Looks Like: When connected to VPN using GlobalProtect VPN a disconnect of the VPN tunnel occurs 

Current Status: Information Security has implemented a fix for this issue.

Visit the VPN: Getting Started article to learn more about the VPN. 

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Article ID: 142396
Mon 10/10/22 1:31 PM
Fri 5/3/24 11:59 AM