Information Security

Helpful tips and procedures for keeping you, your department, and the university secure

Categories (8)


Email support guides to improve your Outlook experience.


Villanova requires multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access critical web-based Villanova resources.


Stay informed on security tips and industry trends.


GlobalProtect (VPN) securely connects you to private or restricted online services on the Villanova network from off-campus locations.


Learn more about recent scams and how to prevent them from happening to you.

Endpoint and Data Security

All things related to a Villanova issued device.

Risk Management

Across U.S Federal Regulations for HIPAA, FERPA, GLBA, as well as European Union (E.U.) Regulations for GDPR or standards such as the PCI DSS, is a common requirement for periodic risk assessments. The information in this category describes the Office of Information Security's Risk Management Program and related components such as Risk Assessments, Third Party Risk Management, and Vendor Risk Management.