Alumni Account Password Reset


  1. Visit the Self-Service Password Reset Portal by selecting the "Alumni Password Reset" selection found on this page.

  2. Sign In:

    • Enter your and click Next.
    • If prompted, complete the CAPTCHA challenge to prove you’re not a robot.
  3. Verify Your Identity:

    • Choose a verification method:
      • Alternate Email: If you’ve set up an alternate email address, select it and click Next. You’ll receive a code in your alternate email.
      • Mobile Phone: If you’ve registered a mobile phone number, select it and click Next. You’ll receive a text message with a code.
      • Security Questions: Answer the security questions you set up previously and click Next.
  4. Reset Your Password:

    • Enter the verification code you received via email, text message, or answer the security questions.
      • Set a new password following your Villanova's password policy: 
      • At least 1 upper and lower case letter
      • At least 1 number
      • At least 1 special character: # $ % ( ) * , +  - . / : ; = ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { } ~
      • Must have at least 5 unique characters
      • At least 8 characters in length
      • Passwords cannot contain personal information such as: first name, last name, User ID, contact information, etc.
      • The exclamation point is not permitted in the password.
      • The symbol for exclamation point has been excluded.

        What are some strategies to avoid when trying create a complex password?

      • Do not use personal information such as address, age, birthday, or your User ID in your password
      • Do not use words, previous passwords, common passwords, patterns or sequences on the keyboard, such as ‘q1w2e3’ or ‘asdfg’ in your password
      • Do not repeat letters, numbers, or symbols, such as 111111 or )))))))
      • Confirm the new password and click Finish.
  5. Success!:

    • You’ve successfully changed your password. Use the new password to sign in to your account.