As the semester approaches, UNIT-Instructional Technologies would like to share the following announcements, reminders, and resources:
Poll Everywhere Updates
- Poll Everywhere has a new Attendance Management feature that allows for automated attendance tracking and reporting. More information can be found here.
Mediasite Classroom Lecture Capture (CLC)
Courses taught in Classroom Lecture Capture (CLC) capable rooms are not automatically recorded. Classroom lecture capture is optional and available by request. These recordings start and stop automatically based on course schedules in Banner and consist of the room's video feed, microphone audio, and any computer output displayed on the projector. Recordings will be uploaded to your account and remain private until you unlock and share them with others.
To record a full semester of on-ground lectures, please submit a request at:
Note: All on-ground Law courses are automatically recorded via Mediasite. Law faculty should contact their Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to remove courses from the automatic recording schedule.
Creating and Sharing Mediasite Video Content
You and your students can create and upload content using a laptop, tablet, mobile phone, or built-in hardware in select classrooms. After creating your content, you can manage and share it within your course, securely with specific individuals, or openly with a broader audience. Mediasite works well with our Learning Management System, allowing you to add instructional media to your courses.
Post your recordings for students
Request a standalone recording
Mediasite Tutorials and Help Guides
Classroom Technology
- For prompt AV support before, during, or after class, please call the Classroom Support Hotline at 610-519-7777 and select option 2.
- For all other classroom AV Service Requests and Incidents, please submit a ticket.
- Mobile equipment that can be requested for classroom use includes:
- Multi-region DVD Player (HDMI or USB connectivity)
- Interactive Pen Display/Annotation
- Document Camera