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Services or Offerings?
Classroom Technologies provides various services for classroom AV support, training, interactive pen displays, document cameras, and DVD players. For immediate assistance in a classroom, call UNIT’s Service Desk at 9-7777 and select option 2 for the Classroom Support Hotline.

Villanova University supports a variety of learning technologies that integrate with Blackboard (learning management system), which provide additional collaboration, communication, interactive, and assessment tools for learning. UNIT can provide training and assistance in using the following tools: VoiceThread, YellowDig, Respondus Lockdown Browser/Monitor/Quiz Editor, and Student Response System account registration (Poll Everywhere, TurningTechnologies, and TopHat)

Please choose from the following Classroom Technology Services. Make sure to include the building, room number, and any other relevant information about your request in the Description field. Once you have completed the form, click the blue button at the bottom of the page to submit your request.

If you are experiencing an issue with Classroom Technology, please make sure to include the building, room number, and any other relevant information about the issue in the Description field. Once you have completed the form, click the blue button at the bottom of the page to submit your request.