Villanova Account

Use this service to:

  • change your password

  • request a self-service password reset if you have forgotten your user name or password

  • reset your alumni account password. 

Note: Temporary passwords can take up to 10 minutes to become active. 


Active Faculty, Staff, and Students

Change Password - Use this selection to change the password for your Villanova account. This form is for current VU students and employees. If you have forgotten your UserID or password, you should use the Password reset/ Forgot Password selection instead first.


Request Temporary Password/ Forgot Password – Selecting this will start a self-service password reset. A new temporary password will be emailed to you shortly after submission.

NOTE:  You must have the following information to perform a password reset:

  1. Your Birthdate 

  1.  Alternate Email Address (required when first registering)

How to review alternate email address 

  1. Go to MyNova 

  2. Search “Edit My Account Information,” click on the associate task and log in if prompted to do so. 

  3. From the “My Profile” page, click on “Change Alternate Email Settings” in the main menu. If on a mobile device, this can be found in the “Go to…” menu at the top of the screen. 

  4. Confirm the Alternate Email address listed (if any) and update or enter the most accurate non-Villanova email address that applies. 

  5. Click “Save” to update the email address. 



  1. Visit the Self-Service Password Reset Portal by selecting the "Alumni Password Reset" selection found on this page.

  2. Sign In:

    • Enter your and click Next.
    • If prompted, complete the CAPTCHA challenge to prove you’re not a robot.
  3. Verify Your Identity:

    • Choose a verification method:
      • Alternate Email: If you’ve set up an alternate email address, select it and click Next. You’ll receive a code in your alternate email.
      • Mobile Phone: If you’ve registered a mobile phone number, select it and click Next. You’ll receive a text message with a code.
      • Security Questions: Answer the security questions you set up previously and click Next.
  4. Reset Your Password:

    • Enter the verification code you received via email, text message, or answer the security questions.
    • Set a new password following Villanova's password policy:
      • At least 1 upper and lower case letter
      • At least 1 number
      • At least 1 special character: # $ % ( ) * , +  - . / : ; = ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { } ~
      • Must have at least 5 unique characters
      • At least 8 characters in length
      • Passwords cannot contain personal information such as: first name, last name, User ID, contact information, etc.
      • The exclamation point is not permitted in the password.
      • What are some strategies to avoid when trying create a complex password?

      • Do not use personal information such as address, age, birthday, or your User ID in your password
      • Do not use words, previous passwords, common passwords, patterns or sequences on the keyboard, such as ‘q1w2e3’ or ‘asdfg’ in your password
      • Do not repeat letters, numbers, or symbols, such as 111111 or )))))))
    • Confirm the new password and click Finish.
  5. Success!:

    • You’ve successfully changed your password. Use the new password to sign in to your account.